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Robotics for everyone


NEP + is a open-source, user-friendly and cross-platform robotics framework for facilitating the creation of interactive experiences


Connecting code and things together


NEP + tools enable communication between robotics components using ZeroMQ and ROS


Write once, run on almost anywhere


Most tools of NEP + are designed to be compatible with Windows, OSX and Linux


NEP + is built on top of high-performance and usable sockets libraries, popular development frameworks, and modern programming languages, including:


The core of NEP + is composed of the following cross-platform tools:             NEP+ APP A cross-platform user interface enabling data visualization, management of software architectures, and configuration of projects. Documentation mdi-arrow-right-bold       NEP Libraries A set of communication libraries using ZeroMQ sockets for C#, Java, Python, and Javascript Reference mdi-arrow-right-bold             NEP CLI A command-line tool for more traditional or advanced developers Documentation mdi-arrow-right-bold       NEP Bridge Enable to communicate ZeroMQ messages with other robotics and IoT middlewares. Documentation mdi-arrow-right-bold      


NEP + also provides a set of basic interfaces for:


Object recognition


NEP + Object enable to run pre-trainned YOLO and mobilenet-ssd models using the OpenCV library

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Human recognition


NEP + Mediapipe provides an interface enabling hand, skeleton, and face recognition over mediapipe

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Application areas of NEP + includes, but are not limited to:

Social Robotics Human-Robot Interaction Internet of Robotic Things (IoRT) End-User Development for Robotics